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RedTron Portfolio

Purpose of this Webpage is to Demonstrate Projects Developed during Samarth's Internship at RedTron.



Python Basic Tutorials

Python basic concepts learnt or excercised during RedTron Internship.

  • python3
  • OS
  • RE

NLP Basic Tutorials

This GitHub repository containing Jupyter notebooks and Python scripts related to natural language processing (NLP) concepts and techniques covered in the "NLP with Python" playlist by Codebasics YouTube channel.

  • spacy
  • nltk
  • NLP

IMDb Web Scraping

In this project, web scraping of IMDB Top 250 movies list has been saved in an excel file.

  • openpyxl
  • scraping
  • beautifulsoup4

Search using Similarity Model

A python3 implementation of a similarity model that accepts user input at runtime for any random search keyword and displays the top 100 results from a sample CSV file in descending order based on their similarity.

  • csv
  • similarity-score
  • transformers

Content Generator

A python3 code for generating new content, which allows for input of a prompt or starting text, and generates new text based on the patterns and language based on scraping techniques. It can be used by users for performing various kinds of searching.

  • machine-learning
  • article
  • google-scraper

RedTron Portflio Website

A Website to showcase the various projects that Samarth has worked on during his Internship at RedTron, which is built using React.js and Next.js

  • React.js
  • Next.js
  • JavaScript


Tools I explored during this Internship are shown below:

  • Python 3

    It is a programming
    language with many

  • Jupyter Notebook

    It is the original web
    app for creating and
    sharing .ipynb codes


About RedTron

During my time as a Python Data Science and Machine Learning Intern at Redtron Education Service LLP. I was able to gain a strong foundation in Python programming and apply my skills to various projects. One such project involved web scraping websites such as IMDb to extract relevant data for analysis. I also worked on developing a model for enhanced searching and a content generator for generating new content.

About Me

Hello, my name is Samarth H Chinivar and I am based in Bengaluru, India. My current ambition is to explore and solve various real-life problems using ever-evolving technologies.

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